Plan for the year: (idk how to hide a slide)

  • Day 1:
    • Introductions
    • Install software


  • [ ] HTML
  • [ ] CSS
  • [ ] Bootstrap
  • [ ] Javascript

Day 1

Welcome! Here's a bit about myself:

Name: Zack Sargent

Coding experience:

  • Most Experience with JavaScript
  • Good Experience with Python, C, and Ruby
  • Some Experience with C++, C#, Java, Go, and Haskell

This script will download the following apps:

  • Winget (to install other software)
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Windows Terminal
  • Git
  • Slack
  • Node.JS

TODO: add pictures

Sign up for slack:

TODO: figure this out

While that's installing, let's talk about INTERalliance:

TODO: figure this out